Implementing a new C module

The folder wrapper contains both C code under wrapper/glow_lib as well as a Cython interface in wrapper/src. The structure is also very modular, but more fragmented than its Python counterpart, with different modules dedicated to different tasks rather than to different steps in the pipeline. Each module foo consists of the following files:

  • wrapper/glow_lib/source/foo_lib.c

  • wrapper/glow_lib/include/foo_lib.h

  • wrapper/src/cfoo.pyx

  • wrapper/src/cfoo.pxd

The (*.c, *.h) contain the source code in C, the *.pyx are Cython source files and *.pxd are Cython header files, that contain both definitions from the *.h C headers as well as headers of Cython functions to be used by other modules. Additionally, if we want to include a new module:

  • We must add a target foo_lib.o in wrapper/glow_lib/Makefile.

  • We must add an entry to c_extensions in wrapper/

  • To facilitate the access, every function to be used in the Python modules is imported in wrapper/

  • (Optional) We can also add a test_foo.c in the wrapper/glow_lib/tests folder (with the corresponding target in the Makefile). This can prove especially useful during development for quick tests without recompiling the whole wrapper, but also afterwards, if problem arise during installation, it is convenient to have stand-alone tests of the C code.

The current list of modules is:

  1. lenses: mimicks the Python version. Contains the definitions of the lensing potential for the same lenses as the Python module, as well as functions common to all of them, like the Fermat potential and the magnification.

  2. roots: contains all the algorithms related to root-finding and optimization, e.g. functions to find images or minimize the Fermat potential.

  3. single_contour: implementation of the contour method for the case with a single critical point.

  4. contour: multicontour method for strong lensing with non-symmetric lenses.

  5. single_integral: implementation of the single integral method for axisymmetric lenses.

  6. area: implementation of the binning/grid/area method.

  7. analytic_SIS: analytic expressions for the SIS, both in time and frequency domain.

  8. special: special functions not available in GSL, including at the moment the modified Struve function and the Fresnel integrals.

  9. fourier: definition of the regularizing functions, both in time and frequency domain, used in the computation of \(F(w)\).

Additional files:

  • common.h and common.c: macros common to all modules and the global structure containing the most of the precision parameters.

  • ode_tools.c and ode_tools.h: modified version of some GSL objects. In particular, a modified control system for the ODE integrator that is able to end the integration based on user-provided conditions, while accurately finding the stopping point. Applied in the code to the robust variation of the contour method, where we must detect that the contour has closed.